scrabble letters that say give back, Shop T.K.S supports and donates to the community

We love to support the community! Here's how we give back!

Shop T.K.S strongly believes in the power of community to help the world become a better place. Learn more about how Shop T.K.S supports and partners with local charities and organizations
Here are just a few of our local partners and charities we give back to.
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” – Howard Zinn

Stop AAPI Hate: Bringing communities together to dismantle systemic racism and build a multiracial movement to end anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) hate.

McMaster University DeGroote Impact: A student-run committee at McMaster University, focused on integrating humanitarian efforts into student life and advocating for the importance of giving back to their communities. 

Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly known as Ryerson University) Ted Rogers School of Management Alumni Marketplace: Supporting local businesses within the Ted Rogers Alumni community.

Ryerson Women in Leadership: Dedicated to the empowerment and success of women at Ryerson University. 

COVID-19 Relief Fund: Supporting Canadian hospitals and healthcare providers to help fight against COVID-19. 

Black Lives Matter Canada: A movement actively working to dismantle all forms of anti-Black racism.  

Erin Mills Co-Op Nursery School: Offering pre-school programs to the local community to provide an enriching learning experience.

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